Saturday, June 6, 2015

DIY Postcard Swap by Leada Wood

I have been doing IHanna's DIY Postcard swaps for a couple of years and they are always such fun to make and receive tiny art. Kind of like turning your mailbox into a gallery for a couple of weeks. I like getting mail!

This little Kokopeli started out as a Gelli print and I painted negatively around him. I really liked the way the design turned out.

Elephants are special to me as my mama collected them. She had lots of them and people would bring them from all over to give to her. 
This card also started life as a Gelli print. So you see there is life after Gelli, you just have to figure out ways to use them.

You can see more of my cards and the ones I received on my blog: 

Have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Linda Rupard said...

You did some fun cards Leada. Hope you got some fun postcards with the exchange?