Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Bull Rider

This painting was painted from a photo I took of cowboy on a longhorn in Bandera, TX. Lots of cowboys & cowgirls on horses. This one was on a special mount. I asked what they were doing & they were bar hopping. Guess mounts could take them home better then cars.


Leada Wood said...

You just gotta love Bandera! ONLY IN TEXAS! Love this one Linda!

Anne Hayward said...

I saw a cowboy riding a longhorn outside of Canon City, CO today (01/22/14/). I wish I had a camera. Came home and did an internet search looking for an image to capture what I saw. I love your watercolor! Your painting and the real thing both made me smile.

Linda Rupard said...

Thanks Anne, it was fun to see all the cowboys on horses & the one lone cowboy on the longhorn. . I loved that the rider told me they were barhopping when I asked what was happening when I took the photo.